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May 16, 2012

MINUTES - MAY 16, 2012

        Terry Thompson
        Jon Fudeman
        Gaile Rollins
        Louise Dix
        ThomJon Borges - out of town
        Carl Lapoint - ill

There were not enough people at the last meeting so it was cancelled. The minutes from April were approved with one amendment and a copy will be sent to the town clerk.

Gaile reported  that an apple tree is going to be planted in front  of the building in memory of Betty Brooks.

The oil burner is still on. Phil isn’t sure how to turn it off. The sand buckets for use in the snow are still outside. The water filtration system needs to be adjusted. The plastic is still on many of the windows. New energy bulbs need to be put in. these are some of the things Gaile is going to put on a list with a copy going to Phil and Louise taking a copy to John at the Town Hall.
Jon wasn’t encouraged by the meeting with the Town Manager, John’s attitude is a list needs to be made and he has to receive a copy so that everything is documented.

The Historical Society is still behind in renewing their insurance policy.

Patsy is still behind in her rent.

At the moment the income is ahead of the expenses due to a warm winter/

Bob Cully is coming to check the water on the floor near the water treatment area.
15  hours a week to help maintain the building is going to be considered. Louise says someone here in town who is out of work or does odd jobs would be perfect.

Gaile mentioned the Girl Scout Leaders would like to use the gym one afternoon a week so the older girls could babysit.

Families want to rent the area to start a new church using the gym or senior room Gaile quoted $100./day for the gym since it is costly to heat that area. She also quoted $50.00 /day for the senior room.